Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Continuing the Saga
So went to vet and they are pretty sure it is not the Amdro or the ich medicine for fish. No Giardia from the fish pond, so we are at an standstill as the clostridium and I think campylobacter also ruled out. It is just a wait and see game. If she gets worse or better or if I can bring in a stool sample. They are treating her with anti-diarrheal meds. and meds for worms just in case. Also on a diet of rice and boiled chicken. So we will see, I know she is pretty miserable. However, in the vet office she kept barking at all the dogs in the waiting area after suffering the indignity of fecal samples. Maybe she was warning them, but she was acting like a maniac. She did not act that way when we first got there as can be attested to by my friend Steve. She did calm down when a giant rotwieller walked into the room. We will see, how she is tonight, I may have another headache from sleeping on the couch making sure she is all right.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Last Friday I decided to board Kai so that we could help my son move into his new apartment for ODU. I thought it would be a good idea, since in the future we will be taking vacations and two days should be okay. I certainly was not thinking about the dog after I took her to be boarded. After all she has been to this place several times for obedience training so she knows the woman who runs the place. Also I thought that since it was the weekend before Memorial day that the place would not be packed. I was wrong.
We came home Sunday to a dog that I am pretty sure did not eat the entire time she was there. Also, the place was fuller than the owner thought it would be as it seems everyone took vacation before Memorial Day. Kai is finally today almost back to her old self. There have been several times that I have had to get up in the middle of the night to let her out due to diarrhea. I am not sure if she caught something while she was there or her nerves got the better of her and she had an upset stomach from the stress. I am hoping that eventually with time that she will be capable of staying without stressing herself out.
She had what looked like free access to everything, but she is not a dog social animal, more of a people dog. She is a rescue that stayed in a remote shelter with other dogs that picked on her, so I am pretty sure she was extremely wary of her circumstances. I know that I am probably reading into the situation but I really think she may have had abandonment issues.
I am still going to try when we go on vacation to board her. But if this continues with the upset stomach, I may have to look into alternative ideas. I would hate to crate her all day, but it may have to be someone who comes in the morning, feeds, plays and then leaves her in the yard, then comes and plays with her in the evening and puts her in her crate. Not sure of options but hope that she survives the week away I have planned with my family.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Bird dog
So I have complained about my dog and her interest in my bird Binx, well it has been raining for three days and except for a walk between raindrops, Kai has been inside terrorizing the house, bird, and me. Well, actually I have figured that she is not really terrorizing the bird but trying to get to the food that Binx drops into the bottom of her cage. When the door is open Kai sticks her head inside to investigate. I was sitting with my computer when I heard a flapping of wings and a woof. Kai was sitting looking and barking at the bird. So I sat down with Kai and the bird came closer and then tried to bite Kai's nose. I pulled them apart and told them both no and put Binx in her cage to stop further annoyances. Once again I returned to my computer to hear a whomp on her cage and Kai had her nose up next to the cage and Binx was making her way down to Kai.
I have had this bird long enough, 14 years to know that she is about to attack a very tender part of Kai, her nose, so I pulled Kai away and put her outside. Yesterday, as I was cleaning the kitchen I saw Kai's nose in Binx's cage and Binx once again coming down the cage in stealth mode. At the last minute Kai looked up and beat a hasty retreat. Then barked at the bird. The problem is that she always barks at the bird, even when she is in the wrong. She also barks at the bird while it is on my shoulder. Now Kai is a pretty good jumper and I realized this when Kai reached my shoulder jumping. Luckily, the bird was on the other side. I am hoping that this behavior changes but who knows.
Here is the funny thing, when Kai is outside she watches the birds at the bird feeder. She does not chase them, except when I come out the door. I guess she thinks she is protecting me from them. I thought she would chase them all the time, but I think she sits on the lounge chair like the Queen of Sheba and just watches everything, except squirrels, she does love to chase squirrels. Maybe instead of Kai she should be Queen of Avian.
Monday, May 6, 2013
Rain Rain go AWAY
What do you do with a 24 pound dog who does not like to go out in the rain? I did make her take a walk when the rain had slowed down some, but was still significant enough for me to use an umbrella. After the walk she fell asleep. But now, every time I turn around she is into something. I sent her outside and she buried a bone. That was after she tried to pick a fight with my bird. The two of them are going to get in a battle. I finally got Binx to go into her cage but while I shut my eyes for a second, I heard a whomp as Kai tried to jump on the cage. I turned the corner to see Binx inches away from Kai's foot. Maybe I should let Binx bite her and she might stay away from the cage. But how do I explain to the vet why I am bringing Kai in with her toe missing or a chunk out of her nose.
Kai really like to be outdoors, but not in the rain. Plus I gave her a bath today and I am pretty sure she hates all forms of water right now. It is supposed to rain until Wednesday. By then I will not have curtains or a house. I did do training exercises with her but that was before her first nap and I am trying to wait until her crazy period around 7 PM for more training.
Well I am hoping that we will not float away, because it would be like having a tiger in your boat. NO FUN.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Took Kai with me to PetSmart which I have never done before, to see how she would react and to see if I could handle doing it by myself. My husband and I took her to Lowes the other day because our obedience trainer says it is a good way to see and react to different types of men. She did okay, a little scared, she needs to get used to new experiences. She actually has gotten to see different men at our home, because we still have them coming over to adjust the renovation. Yesterday she had to deal with a pressure washer for windows and a plumber. So she has been around young, old, black, white, skinny, tall, and heavy men. She does okay, a little vark to let them know whose house they are in.
So back to my adventure today. First it is always a chore getting her to get in her leash and then into the car. She is not like any other dog I have known. I tried something different by putting her into the front secured in her seat. She did okay, usually I crate her in the back. But she would not sit down, so everytime I stopped she would fall forward. So on the way home I hooked her to the back of the driver seat so she could roam the back. She did better.
In the store she started off in the basket but, I could not get things and keep her there so I hooked her to my basket and she followed behind me. She actually did pretty good. But another dog was in the place so she was a little crazy about that. I took her up to meet this other dog and because I touched the other dog she snarled at it. That was the first time she has ever done that, I wonder if she felt confined though I had released her from the cart and I was holding the leash.
I am sure one day she will like the car, leash and going places, meeting other dogs, etc. She still is a little skittish.
Chair trauma
Have teeth will tear up. That is what the ad should have read for this puppy. I have never seen a dog crawl underneath a chair and tear a chair up. I have seen dogs tear up cushions on a chair or pillows on a chair, but never under the chair. Spraying bitter spray on the underside did not seem to affect her. She first started with the tearing of the lining. Then she chew through the plastic like barrier that was between the first layer and the springs. LAst night she hit cushion that was somewhere on the chair, because when I flipped it upside down this morning there were no tears in the fabric. I think they put padding on the side.
So what do I do? I have yelled, pulled, substituted, timed out and crated her. Last night she got an earlier bed time. SHe was not happy, but this morning she was right back to the chair. I was told 3 minutes/ time out so they remember. But I was too tired last night to let her back out. She did get a bathroom break and it was only 1/2 hour before she naturaly falls asleep, so I was not a demon. But seriously, How do you stop this crazy thing?
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