Saturday, August 2, 2014

New tricks, bad tricks, almost sad trick.

I think that I finally taught Kai a new trick. I have been asking for Kai's paw since we got her. Usually I grab her paw when I ask, this is met by her trying to grab my hand with her mouth. But yesterday as I when I said "paw" and put my hand down, she actually did it. I requested this action a couple of more times and she repeated putting her paw in my hand. So of course I had to run and get her a treat, because I was not expecting her to do it. YEAH

So what is the bad trick, chasing the animals from the bird feeder. I really do not mind that she chases the squirrels because they are little piggies. But she barks at them through the door, which chases all the birds away. Then she goes outside waits until all the birds have come back, landed on the feeder and the ground, where upon she rushes them so that they fly in all directions. She can remain very quiet, laying just out of sight. I think she gets thrilled with the flapping of wings.

Now the almost sad trick, apparently when she chased a group of birds one got stuck in a plant. I looked out the window to see Kai circling a heuchera plant. I went out and did not see anything. Then she started bouncing on the plant, I thought she had cornered a mole or a small chipmunk I just could not see. I told her to leave it and she sat, but did not back away. When I turned, she went right back to smacking the bush with her paw, then I heard the chirp. I went back, chased Kai from her spot and saw and upside down bird, the chest was the color of the dirt, so I missed it the first time. I called for my husband, I grabbed Kai put her inside and we both went out to see what we could do. Apparently, it's claw was stuck around a couple of branches and it had got itself upside down and could not get up. My husband, carefully started moving the plant, amid chirps of terror, and the bird was able to get loose and fly away. I am glad I was alerted to the bird by Kai, but I am equally glad I happen to be by the window observing Kais odd behavior. Not a good trick playing smack the birdie.

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